I must admit that writing posts at a regular basis isn’t something I am really good at.
So let’s try to plan these actions for the future by simply writing them on the calendar!
2018 is a busy year with a ton of workshops and conventions. I just updated the list of events and already start planning for 2019.
Updates on some of the tools:
I officially introduced the Dome Cutter at the Tactica convention this year. At first I produced a limited amount of Dome Cutters since the tool is complex and did not know what to expect. Pleased with the attention it got so far and I now try to produce those at a more regular basis.
Tools do not have to be big and complex. I made 2 simple tools also; The Angle slider, for cutting big blocks in specific angles and the rake set, pressing horizontal lines into foam at a very high speed and build tile floors or brick walls quickly.
The windows series grows and grows and I also make custom windows more often. Now I really have to focus on doors and balconies.
Then I rebuild one of my proxxon hotwire tables and made an extension so I can cut heights of 42 cm (about 17 inch).
Hopefully I can show a lot of new stuff soon on the YouTube channel. I really need to make some video’s since there is so much I can show you people.
Finally: Preparing for the big convention in Koln/Cologne upcoming weekend. For this I build 12 big guns since it is mainly a cosplay event.
Up until the summer there are 2 conventions and three workshops left then I have a break of 8 weeks so I can start working on some new ideas!
Keep you posted……… I hope.